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Set up the Copyfactory integration with Salesloft to quickly send records from Copyfactory to Salesloft with custom field mappings.

Get Connected

In your Copyfactory account you can connect to Salesloft using your credentials under any of your profiles and under ‘integrations’.

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Once connected you will a successful connection and can disconnect at any time.

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Custom Mapping

Mappings allow you to decide what fields from Copyfactory get synced to Salesloft.

  1. Go to Profiles > Integrations > Mappings.

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  2. Click on ‘Create new mapping

  3. Give your mapping a name that will be familiar. Examples of good names are ‘Salesloft - only custom fields’ or ‘Salesloft - all fields’.

  4. Select Salesloft as your current sales automation tool and click ‘Update fields

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    Once you click on ‘Update fields’ Copyfactory will go and retrieve your current custom fields in Salesloft and they will available for you to map.

    If you do not see your custom field it is likely that you have not connected your Salesloft account to Copyfactory or that it is not an accepted field type.

    <aside> 💡 We will only retrieve custom fields that are of the type ‘text’.


Add or Remove Fields

<aside> ℹ️ We will automatically map the ‘email’ field for you as it is used for the duplication logic.


Add fields by clicking Add Field Mapping at the bottom of the field list. Each field that you add must be mapped to a corresponding field in your integration.

Click the trash icon to remove any fields that you do not want to map.
